26/2-27/2/2020 Pugnant Film Series, Winter Edition

*for english scroll down

Το Pugnant Film Series επιστρέφει, και στο Χοροστάσιον θα παρουσιάσει ένα διήμερο σύγχρονου ανεξάρτητου κινηματογράφου. Ταινίες δυστοπικές, ποιητικές, ρομαντικές, παράξενες ή λιγότερο παράξενες. Ταινίες που κάνουν το Pugnant Film Series να θέλει να μιλήσει για αυτές και να σας της συστήσει. Καθεμία βραδιά θα κλείνει με μια συναυλία.

Πρόγραμμα Ταινιών

26/02 Visage's Spiegel
Light emerging from a black hole, Sara Xhengo (Albania, Germany, 2020, 6 minutes)
Who Wants to Fall in Love?, Emily M Van Loan (Usa, 2019, 6 minutes)
Driving Dinosaurs, Emma Piper-Burket (Usa, 2018, 9 minutes)
Maternal Histories, Anouk Dominguez-Degen (Switzerland, 2015, 28 minutes)
to the muse, Yiannis Lianos (Greece, 2020, 4 minutes)
Transparent, the world is., Yuri Muraoka (Japan, 2019, 7 minutes)
Le visage d'outremer, Gabriele Rossi (France, 2020, 2 minutes)
Hommage to Summer, Katerina Markoulaki (Greece, 2019, 4 minutes)
Restless instants, Clémentine Chapron (France, 2019, 9 minutes)
I Have a Song to Sing You, Zoe Aiano (Serbia, 2019, 6 minutes)
The Man in the Bushes, Vasilios Papaioannu & Emma Piper-Burket (Usa, 2017, 5 minutes)
Dukkha, Elisavet Pirounia (China, 2019, 12 minutes)
Autumnal Sleeps, Michael Higgins (Ireland, 2019, 74 minutes)

27/02 The romantic dystopians
2006 The Only Year That I Remember 14, Alberto Van den Eynde (Spain, 2019, 14 minutes)
I am You, Vasia Ampatzi (Usa, 2019, 5 minutes)
A Double Caprice at the Asylum, Stéphane Rizzi (France, 2019, 6 minutes)
Στον ελεύθερο χρόνο μου μιλάω με τον θεό, Eirini Tampasouli (Greece, 2020, 4 minutes)
Table Talk, Celia Cooley (Usa, 2020, 2 minutes)
Other people, Charlotte van Winden (Netherlands, 2018, 4 minutes)
A Manual for Believers, HANUL KIM (Republic of Korea, 2018, 6 minutes)
We Need To Talk About Barbie, Dimitra Mitsaki (Greece, 2016, 3 minutes)
A Romantic comedy, Rock Brenner (France, 2014, 5 minutes)
Translator, Aleksei Klimon (Russia, 2019, 20 minutes)
A hole in my heart, Lookas Moodysson (Sweden, Denmark, 2004, 93 minutes)

Safety Precautions, niyaz saghari (England, 2018, 3 minutes)
I've Said And Done Things That No-One Will Ever Remember (Volume VI), Eric Kochmer (Usa, 2019, 6 minutes)
Ghosts of Our Fallen, Kit Young (Usa, 2018, 7 minutes)
Gig, Kevin Gourvellec (Canada, 2019, 4 minutes)
Electronic Revolution of Our Times, Jaime Cleeland (Iraq, 2019, 34 minutes)
Traces, carleen maur (4 minutes)
Carbon Dust, Alexander Fingrutd (Usa, 2019, 11 minutes)
Memoirs, Aaron Zeghers (Canada, 2019, 10 minutes)
Ramona Come Closer, Kostis Stamoulis (Greece, 20 minutes)
barefoot busker, Stuart Pound (England, 2019, 3 minutes)
Ghost Dance, emilia izquierdo (England, 2019, 5 minutes)
Fixing a hole, Pierre Ajavon (France, 2019, 3 minutes)

Πρόγραμμα Συναυλιών
22:30 Παναγιώτης Θανασούλης (Μια μέρα σαν όλες τις ίδιες)
Παναγιώτης Θανασούλης: Στίχοι-Αφήγηση
Νάσος Μακρής: Μελοποίηση-κιθάρα-μπάσο
Κώστας Καραμήτρος: Φλογέρα
Τάσος Μαρίτσας: Κιθάρα-μπάσο
Αντώνης Μελέκης: Κρουστά
Αντρέας Λαουτσάρης: Βιολί
Κατερίνα Ζουμπούλη: Φωνή
Φίλιππος Αγγελακόπουλος: Συμμετοχή-Μονόλογος
Έρη Σκυργιάννη: Visuals

22:00 Ήδη Νότια
Το Ήδη Νότια είναι ένα σόλο πρότζεκτ που ξεκίνησε τον Αύγουστο του 2017 στη Πρέβεζα.
Τον τελευταίο χρόνο ασχολείται με το ρεύμα.
Αυτή τη φορά κυριαρχεί μια γλυκόπικρη ποπ αισθητική, το φως της, και η σκιά της.
Aυτό το live αποτελεί γέννηση και θάνατο.

Αναλυτικός κατάλογος

Σκουλένιου 2β
Καύσιμα: 4€

Pugnant Film Series is back. We will present a 2-days film festival with independent films at Χοροστάστιον. Dystopian, poetic, romantic & bizarre films. Films that make Pugnant Film Series wants to speak about them and to introduce them to you. Every day will be closed with a live music show.

Film Program

26/02 Visage's Spiegel
Light emerging from a black hole, Sara Xhengo (Albania, Germany, 2020, 6 minutes)
Who Wants to Fall in Love?, Emily M Van Loan (Usa, 2019, 6 minutes)
Driving Dinosaurs, Emma Piper-Burket (Usa, 2018, 9 minutes)
Maternal Histories, Anouk Dominguez-Degen (Switzerland, 2015, 28 minutes)
to the muse, Yiannis Lianos (Greece, 2020, 4 minutes)
Transparent, the world is., Yuri Muraoka (Japan, 2019, 7 minutes)
Le visage d'outremer, Gabriele Rossi (France, 2020, 2 minutes)
Hommage to Summer, Katerina Markoulaki (Greece, 2019, 4 minutes)
Restless instants, Clémentine Chapron (France, 2019, 9 minutes)
I Have a Song to Sing You, Zoe Aiano (Serbia, 2019, 6 minutes)
The Man in the Bushes, Vasilios Papaioannu & Emma Piper-Burket (Usa, 2017, 5 minutes)
Dukkha, Elisavet Pirounia (China, 2019, 12 minutes)
Autumnal Sleeps, Michael Higgins (Ireland, 2019, 74 minutes)

27/02 The romantic dystopians
2006 The Only Year That I Remember 14, Alberto Van den Eynde (Spain, 2019, 14 minutes)
I am You, Vasia Ampatzi (Usa, 2019, 5 minutes)
A Double Caprice at the Asylum, Stéphane Rizzi (France, 2019, 6 minutes)
Στον ελεύθερο χρόνο μου μιλάω με τον θεό, Eirini Tampasouli (Greece, 2020, 4 minutes)
Table Talk, Celia Cooley (Usa, 2020, 2 minutes)
Other people, Charlotte van Winden (Netherlands, 2018, 4 minutes)
A Manual for Believers, HANUL KIM (Republic of Korea, 2018, 6 minutes)
We Need To Talk About Barbie, Dimitra Mitsaki (Greece, 2016, 3 minutes)
A Romantic comedy, Rock Brenner (France, 2014, 5 minutes)
Translator, Aleksei Klimon (Russia, 2019, 20 minutes)
A hole in my heart, Lookas Moodysson (Sweden, Denmark, 2004, 93 minutes)

Safety Precautions, niyaz saghari (England, 2018, 3 minutes)
I've Said And Done Things That No-One Will Ever Remember (Volume VI), Eric Kochmer (Usa, 2019, 6 minutes)
Ghosts of Our Fallen, Kit Young (Usa, 2018, 7 minutes)
Gig, Kevin Gourvellec (Canada, 2019, 4 minutes)
Electronic Revolution of Our Times, Jaime Cleeland (Iraq, 2019, 34 minutes)
Traces, carleen maur (4 minutes)
Carbon Dust, Alexander Fingrutd (Usa, 2019, 11 minutes)
Memoirs, Aaron Zeghers (Canada, 2019, 10 minutes)
Ramona Come Closer, Kostis Stamoulis (Greece, 20 minutes)
barefoot busker, Stuart Pound (England, 2019, 3 minutes)
Ghost Dance, emilia izquierdo (England, 2019, 5 minutes)
Fixing a hole, Pierre Ajavon (France, 2019, 3 minutes)

Live Music Program
22:30 Panayiotis Thanasoulis (A day, same as all the others)

22:00 Ήδη Νότια

Analytic Catalogue

Skouleniou 2b
Damage: 4€